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Friday, January 21, 2011

Dry Sinks

Hi everyone.

Another snow overnight blanketed the area in white again and it is beautiful. Looks like it's only a couple of inches, but I decided to write this post before shoveling. After shoveling, I may be too exhausted for a while!

Growing up, Mom had not one, but two, beautiful dry sinks. I loved them. While technically obsolete, since indoor plumbing was developed, they are still great cabinets for use in any room. Mom had one in the kitchen and I remember everyone kept their purses in the sink section, which no longer had the metal insert. That dry sink was a country type piece of furniture probably used in a kitchen. The other dry sink she had was more "refined" and may originally have been used in a more Victorian home. Each of my sisters was gifted one of these dry sinks by Mom when she was still able to do so.

I have seen many dry sinks during my antiquing expeditions and would love to have one, but I do not have the space in my small home. Here are pics of a couple of dry sinks I saw recently. They are beautiful and will look terrific in someone's home.

Do you have a dry sink in your home? How do you use it? Please comment.

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Sincerely, Lynn

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